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Developmental Programs Designed by Our Trained Team to Help Enrich Your Child’s Mind

Unique Growth Paths for Learners of Every Pace

We all learn at our own pace, and what might work for one child might not be the best path forward for the next. With this in mind, we have created our specialized teaching plans to focus on the best processes and techniques for those students. This allows us to progress with the teaching process based on individual milestones rather than age-based grouping. Learning is a continual path every child makes at their own pace, and Towne & Country is there to help them discover and learn.

Need more information? Call us at 714-524-2780 to speak with one of our trained staff members.

Language Arts

  • Continued development in recognition and writing skills of upper and lower case alphabet.
  • Learning the letter sounds. (Phonics)
  • Developing the ability to read simple books phonetically.
  • Recognition of basic words on sight.
  • Writing one's name in upper and lower case.
  • Understanding the calendar.
  • Developing vocabulary, listening skills, attention span, and appreciation of books.
  • Developing the ability to translate personal thoughts, recall events, and articulate these into sentences.
  • Continued growth in understanding the concepts of likeness and difference, opposites, and "before and after."


  • Recognition and writing of numerals l-100.
  • Developing basic math concepts such as patterning, sorting, matching, classifying, greater and less than, and setting values.
  • Continued understanding of comparison of sizes, shapes, and quantity.
  • Telling time on the hour.
  • Ability to perform simple additions and subtractions.

Socio-Emotional Development

  • Developing a positive self-image and creativity.
  • Developing the ability to assume responsibility and work independently.
  • Learning to interact, share, and cooperate with a peer group.
  • Learning to identify feelings in oneself and others.
  • Developing an awareness of oneself as a family member, as a part of a wider world, and one's important place in them.
  • Developing concepts of good citizenship and a value system.

Fine Motor Development

  • Developing small& muscle control and writing skills. (Through writing, coloring, cutting, manipulative play, and puzzles.)
  • Increasing skills connected with daily practical experiences. (Such as dressing, buttoning, tying, and pouring liquid from a small pitcher or cup.)


  • Developing the curiosity necessary to wonder why, what, when, where, and how through hands-on projects.
  • Developing an awareness of basic scientific concepts and facts related to nutrition and health.
  • Learning to measure solids and liquids. Observe changes in matter.
  • Fostering the understanding of ecology and our natural resources.
  • Learning about our body's organs and functions.

Arts as a Means of Self-Expression

Working with art materials to:

  1. Express Feelings and Ideas
  2. Develop Creativity and Imagination
  3. Foster an Appreciation for the Various Art Forms


  • Developing a sense of rhythm, auditory memory, and auditory sequence used in instruments and songs.

Gross Motor Development

  • Participating in individual and group games, skills, and playground activities to foster the ability to run, gallop, jump, hop, skip, and throw.
  • Developing balance, coordination, and self-expression through musical exercises and games.

Language Skills

  • Recognizing and writing of upper and lower case alphabet with emphasis on letter sounds. (Phonics)
  • Writing one's name in upper and lower case.
  • Recognition of basic words on sight. (Days of the week, basic colors, etc.)
  • Identifying and naming primary and secondary colors.
  • Identifying and naming basic and more complex shapes.
  • Understanding of the calendar and ability to name the months and the days of the week.
  • Developing vocabulary, listening skills, and attention span. (Through listening to books being read, flannel board stories, etc.)
  • Developing the ability to translate personal thoughts, recall events, and articulate these into sentences.

Socio-Emotional Development

  • Developing a positive self-image and creativity.
  • Learning to interact, share, and cooperate with a peer group.
  • Learning to identify feelings in one and others.


  • Recognition and writing of numerals 1-30.
  • Developing basic math concepts such as patterning, sorting, classifying, addition, and subtraction (Through exploration of tangible objects such as Unifix Cubes, beads, manipulatives, etc.)
  • Learning to recognize and compare shapes, sizes, and quantities.

Motor Skills

  • Fostering hand/eye coordination and prewriting skills. (Through experiences using crayons, chalk, brushes, tearing, pasting, stirring, molding, etc.)
  • Increasing skills connected with daily practical experiences. (Such as dressing, buttoning, hanging coats, eating with a spoon or fork, and pouring liquid from a small pitcher or cup.)
  • Developing small muscle control. (Through play with manipulative, interlocking blocks, puzzles, finger plays, etc.)


  • Developing the curiosity necessary to wonder why, what, when, and where through basic hands-on science projects and activities.
  • Developing an awareness of the world around them.

Self-Expression Through Art

Working with art materials to:

  1. Express Feelings and Ideas
  2. Develop Creativity
  3. Foster an Appreciation for the Various Art Forms