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Our Beautiful Childcare Facility inDiamond Bar, CA

Diamond Bar Gallery

Need more information? Call us at 714-524-2780 to speak with one of our trained staff members.

Language Arts

  • Continued development in recognition and writing skills of upper and lower case alphabet.
  • Learning the letter sounds. (Phonics)
  • Developing the ability to read simple books phonetically.
  • Recognition of basic words on sight.
  • Writing one's name in upper and lower case.
  • Understanding the calendar.
  • Developing vocabulary, listening skills, attention span, and appreciation of books.
  • Developing the ability to translate personal thoughts, recall events, and articulate these into sentences.
  • Continued growth in understanding the concepts of likeness and difference, opposites, and "before and after."


  • Recognition and writing of numerals l-100.
  • Developing basic math concepts such as patterning, sorting, matching, classifying, greater and less than, and setting values.
  • Continued understanding of comparison of sizes, shapes, and quantity.
  • Telling time on the hour.
  • Ability to perform simple additions and subtractions.

Socio-Emotional Development

  • Developing a positive self-image and creativity.
  • Developing the ability to assume responsibility and work independently.
  • Learning to interact, share, and cooperate with a peer group.
  • Learning to identify feelings in oneself and others.
  • Developing an awareness of oneself as a family member, as a part of a wider world, and one's important place in them.
  • Developing concepts of good citizenship and a value system.

Fine Motor Development

  • Developing small& muscle control and writing skills. (Through writing, coloring, cutting, manipulative play, and puzzles.)
  • Increasing skills connected with daily practical experiences. (Such as dressing, buttoning, tying, and pouring liquid from a small pitcher or cup.)


  • Developing the curiosity necessary to wonder why, what, when, where, and how through hands-on projects.
  • Developing an awareness of basic scientific concepts and facts related to nutrition and health.
  • Learning to measure solids and liquids. Observe changes in matter.
  • Fostering the understanding of ecology and our natural resources.
  • Learning about our body's organs and functions.

Arts as a Means of Self-Expression

Working with art materials to:

  1. Express Feelings and Ideas
  2. Develop Creativity and Imagination
  3. Foster an Appreciation for the Various Art Forms


  • Developing a sense of rhythm, auditory memory, and auditory sequence used in instruments and songs.

Gross Motor Development

  • Participating in individual and group games, skills, and playground activities to foster the ability to run, gallop, jump, hop, skip, and throw.
  • Developing balance, coordination, and self-expression through musical exercises and games.

Language Skills

  • Recognizing and writing of upper and lower case alphabet with emphasis on letter sounds. (Phonics)
  • Writing one's name in upper and lower case.
  • Recognition of basic words on sight. (Days of the week, basic colors, etc.)
  • Identifying and naming primary and secondary colors.
  • Identifying and naming basic and more complex shapes.
  • Understanding of the calendar and ability to name the months and the days of the week.
  • Developing vocabulary, listening skills, and attention span. (Through listening to books being read, flannel board stories, etc.)
  • Developing the ability to translate personal thoughts, recall events, and articulate these into sentences.

Socio-Emotional Development

  • Developing a positive self-image and creativity.
  • Learning to interact, share, and cooperate with a peer group.
  • Learning to identify feelings in one and others.


  • Recognition and writing of numerals 1-30.
  • Developing basic math concepts such as patterning, sorting, classifying, addition, and subtraction (Through exploration of tangible objects such as Unifix Cubes, beads, manipulatives, etc.)
  • Learning to recognize and compare shapes, sizes, and quantities.

Motor Skills

  • Fostering hand/eye coordination and prewriting skills. (Through experiences using crayons, chalk, brushes, tearing, pasting, stirring, molding, etc.)
  • Increasing skills connected with daily practical experiences. (Such as dressing, buttoning, hanging coats, eating with a spoon or fork, and pouring liquid from a small pitcher or cup.)
  • Developing small muscle control. (Through play with manipulative, interlocking blocks, puzzles, finger plays, etc.)


  • Developing the curiosity necessary to wonder why, what, when, and where through basic hands-on science projects and activities.
  • Developing an awareness of the world around them.

Self-Expression Through Art

Working with art materials to:

  1. Express Feelings and Ideas
  2. Develop Creativity
  3. Foster an Appreciation for the Various Art Forms